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Friday 15 January 2010

Broadsheet Watch – 9

Today, the Maily Telegraph has demonstrated the old saying about Birds Of A Feather superbly, in a report which looks like long term analysis of weather patterns, but in fact is merely pushing another group of global warming deniers.

A thaw is under way as the snow and ice is washed away by a belt of rain: here in the North West, there are still traces of snow, but it’s melting fast. But what if the milder weather were no more than a brief respite, only to yield once again to more ice and snow after a few days?

This can now be presented, not as scaremongering, but as authoritative analysis, thanks to Positive Weather Solutions. Who they? Well, clicking on “About Us” doesn’t leave you any the wiser. However, there is also “PWS – Our Challenge to Climate Change”, which reveals that this is another front for the denial lobby.

Journalism produced to push an agenda: how a formerly quality newspaper has become no more than a large format tabloid.

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