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Sunday 2 February 2014

Top Six – February 2

So what’s hot, and what’s not, in the past week’s blogging? Here are the six most popular posts on Zelo Street for the past seven days, counting down in reverse order, because, well, I have a vat of curry to parcel up later. So there.
6 Hugh Grant – Why He’s News The obedient hackery of the legendarily foul mouthed Paul Dacre talked a lot about actor and campaigner Hugh Grant. Was this because he has a new film out, or is appearing on TV? Nope, it was because he supports Hacked Off.

5 Apologise Quietly, Nobody Will Notice Jonathan Portes of NIESR complained to the PCC about Dan, Dan The Oratory Man, who had accused him of being pro-EU and NIESR of only getting EU funds because it was biased in its favour. The PCC decided an apology was in order. But it was well hidden. No surprise there.

4 Glenda Goes After Hugh Grant There had to be a hatchet job after all the hostile coverage. The only uncertainty was who would write it. Sarah “Vain” Vine was given her orders. As Michael “Oiky” Gove’s wife, she has no room to talk hypocrisy.

3 Daily Mail Farm Subsidy Fail The Dacre hackery regularly rails at EU farm subsidies. But the Vagina Monologue has an estate in Scotland, which has been bunged hundreds of thousands of pounds of, er, EU farm subsidies.

2 Mann v Steyn – Delingpole Silent Second week on the Top Six for this post. Mark Steyn’s latest attempt to get Michael Mann’s defamation case thrown out failed. But James “saviour of Western civilisation” Delingpole, who had been so vocal in Steyn’s support, was silent.

1 The Amateur Hounding Of Rufus Telegraph blog clowns Damian Thompson, clueless pundit of no fixed hair appointment, and the loathsome Toby Young, went after comedian and actor Rufus Hound and it got them nowhere. Except a whole heap of ridicule. No change there, then.

And that’s the end of another blogtastic week, blog pickers. Not ‘arf!

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