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Sunday 8 December 2013

Top Six – December 8

So what’s hot, and what’s not, in the past week’s blogging? Here are the six most popular posts on Zelo Street for the past seven days, counting down in reverse order, because, well, I have domestic chores to do later. So there.
6 Gove Polecats On Snow Off went the @toryeducation Twitter feed at Channel 4 News presenter Jon Snow for no particular reason, other than that he was asking questions about education. That, Tory people, is his job.

5 Toby Young Poland Education Howler The loathsome Tobes praised the education system in Poland. What he managed to miss was that he was on the side of comprehensive education, only employing properly trained teachers, and not starting school until age 6.

4 Richard Desmond’s Mandela Problem Friday and Saturday morning’s papers all covered the passing of Mandela – except those owned by Richard “Dirty” Desmond. Apart from a small footnote on Friday’s Daily Star, there was no mention on the front pages. What’s his problem?

3 Don’t Menshn Mandela Foot In Mouth Former Tory MP Louise Mensch’s “Pygmy” jibe at all those rotten lefties following the death of Margaret Thatcher came back to bite her. There was much backpedalling as she pretended that Mandela was not of the left. It didn’t wash.

2 So Farewell Then Katie Hopkins The professional motormouth overreached herself with a snipe at Scottish life expectancy that coincided with the Glasgow helicopter crash. This led to her being banned from the ITV This Morning sofa. Let joy be unconfined.

1 Christopher Booker – Pants On Fire Booker went off on a tirade against more of those social workers and courts over a case involving an Italian woman who was sectioned under the Mental Health Act and then had her baby delivered by Caesarean Section. The problem, as ever with Booker, was the combination of omission and dishonesty.

And that’s the end of another blogtastic week, blog pickers. Not ‘arf!

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